Medicare Part D

This information was last updated on


, NC

Telephone Numbers and Contact Information

Telephone 1:
(800) 633-4227 800-MEDICARE

Telephone 2:
(877) 486-2048 TTY

Telephone 3:


Web Page:

Program Details

Intake Process:
Service Area: Nationwide

Program Description:

Medicare Part D is the optional component of Medicare that covers prescription drugs. The Medicare website has information about the program and a Medicare Drug Plan Finder that allows users to compare different plans. Extra Help (also known as Low Income Subsidy) reduces premiums and copayments for low income beneficiaries. Part D recipients now receive discounts on brand name drugs when they are in the "donut hole" or coverage gap. Discounts will increase each year until the donut hole is eliminated entirely. This is a benefit of the Affordable Care Act.

This information is provided as is with no guarantee as to the accuracy of the information. Information is considered to be accurate as of the date of the last update, printed above. Resources for Seniors may not be held liable for misuse of this information.