Our up-to-date resource database is located online at:

RFS Public Resource Database

The system allows searching either by the name of the program, or by keywords. Just start typing in the search box, either the name or a related word. If you are not getting results, try using part of the keyword, such as "adult day" rather than "adult day care". You'll get an alphabetical list of programs that contain those keywords. We still are using the same keywords as in the old system, so you can look below to see what the keywords are.

Want to let us know how the system is working for you? Please complete the comment form below.

Name (optional):

Organization (optional):
Phone (if you want us to call you):
Your Email (if you want a reply):

Please let us know what you like and don't like, features that are helpful or not, or anything else you'd like us to know.
If you tried to find something and couldn't, let us know that too, so we can try to make it easier.

Feedback about the new public resource database:

If you have a minute, please give us a little info about yourself and how you use our site.

Are you mostly seeking information for...? Yourself
Parent or older relative
Friend or Neighbor
Professional development or education

Have you used the old RFS database in the past? Yes

If you have used both, how do you like the new system compared with the old one? Better
About the same